Lockheed/General Dynamics—F-16 Fighting Falcon: Mission Profile US Air Force: Aircraft
Lockheed/General Dynamics—F-16 Fighting FalconMission Profile Armament options: internal M61A1 Vulcan 20-mm cannon with maximum of 500 rounds; three fuselage and six wing hardpoints for the carriage of most stores in US inventory, including nuclear and conventional low-drag and retarded bombs, and cluster-bomb units, plus two wingtip hardpoints for AIM-9M Sidewinder missiles; provision for AN/ALQ-119 or -131 ECM pod on either of two mid-wing ordnance stations or centerline; provision for up to six AGM-65 Maverick air-to-ground missiles, three each on two mid-wing ordnance stations; (F-16 block 15 ADF) provision for two AIM-7M Sparrow radar-guided missiles on mid-wing ordnance stations; (F-16C block 40/42 and block 50/52) LANTIRN (Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting, Infra-Red, for Night) weapons and targeting pods; (F-16C block 50/52) LANTIRN weapons and targeting pods; provision for AGM-88B HARM (high-speed anti-radiation missile) and AGM-137 TSSAM (tri-service stand-off attack missile) Close air support/battlefield area interdiction: on a CAS, BAI or combined CAS/BAI mission the F-16 would refuel in flight but can fly to a radius of about 500 miles (805 km) unrefueled to be on station for 45 minutes with 500 rounds of ammunition for the M61A1, two 600-US gal (2,271-liter) wing drop-tanks on inboard ordnance stations, 12 Mk 82 500-lb (227-kg) bombs on MER (multiple ejector racks) at mid-wing ordnance stations, and two AIM-9M Sidewinder missiles on wingtips; for dedicated anti-armor work the load-out would be two wing-tanks, eight Mk 20 Rockeye CBUs on two mid-wing ordnance stations, and two Sidewinders; AN/ALQ-131(V) ECM pod on mid-wing ordnance station (not both) would be carried by one or two aircraft in a flight of four Interdiction/strike: on an interdiction mission, the F-16 would refuel in flight but can fly at medium to high altitude to a combat radius of about 550 miles (885 km) unrefueled with 500 rounds of ammunition for the M61A1, two 600-US gal (2,271-liter) wing drop-tanks on inboard ordnance stations, 12 Mk 82 500-lb (227-kg) general-purpose bombs on MER (multiple ejector racks) at mid-wing ordnance stations, and centerline AN/ALQ-131(V) ECM pod; in another typical interdiction configuration, the F-16 would refuel in flight but can fly at medium to high altitude to a combat radius of about 605 miles (973 km) unrefueled with 500 rounds of ammunition for the M61A1, two 600-US gal (2,271-liter) wing drop-tanks on inboard ordnance stations, one 300-US gal (1,136-liter) drop-tank on centerline, and six AGM-65 Maverick air-to-ground missiles on mid-wing ordnance stations SEAD (suppression of enemy air defenses): on a SEAD mission against air defense radars, the F-16 would refuel in flight but can cruise at medium to high altitude to a radius of about 640 miles (1,030 km) unrefueled for attack from medium altitude with 500 rounds for the M61A1 (not employed against SEAD targets), two 600-US gal (2,271-liter) drop-tanks on inboard ordnance stations, and two AGM-88 HARM on mid-wing ordnance stations Intercept: on an air defense/interceptor mission, the F-16A block 15 ADF (air defense fighter) can fly at high altitude to a radius of about 700 miles (1,127-km) unrefueled with 500 rounds of ammunition for the M61A1, two AIM-9M on wingtip hardpoints, two AIM-7M on mid-wing hardpoints, centerline 300-US gal (1,136-liter) drop-tank, and two 600-US gal (2,271-liter) drop-tanks on mid-wing hardpoints